User Contributed MET/CAL PROCEDURE ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Oscilloscope Verification Procedure DATE: 16-Aug-94 AUTHOR: User Contributed REVISION: 0.0 ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 14 NUMBER OF LINES: 154 CONFIGURATION: Tektronix CG5011 ============================================================================= STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 ASK- P F W 1.002 ASK+ D 1.003 DISP This procedure comprises an extensive, valid 1.003 DISP confirmation of performance and functionality of the 1.003 DISP TAS 475 Oscilloscope. 1.003 DISP The cabinet must be installed on the scope. 1.003 DISP The power-on Self Tests must show no failures. 1.003 DISP The Oscilloscope must have an operating warm-up period 1.003 DISP of at least 20 minutes at an ambient temperature 1.003 DISP between -10 Degrees Celcius and +55 Degrees Celcius. 1.004 DISP Set the INTENSITY and READOUT controls for nominal 1.004 DISP viewing levels. 1.005 DISP Set the delayed sweep intensity to 1.005 DISP INTENSITY DELAY > MAIN in the Utility Configure menu. 1.006 HEAD {Temperature Compensation Calibrations (Horizontal)} 1.007 DISP Press the AUTOSET button on the UUT. 1.007 DISP Press the UTILITY button and select CAL from the main 1.007 DISP menu. Select HORIZONTAL SWEEP PATH from the sub menu, 1.007 DISP initiating the routine. This routine takes about 20 1.007 DISP seconds to complete its initial calibrations. Once 1.007 DISP complete, two dots are displayed. These dots are used in 1.007 DISP the next horizontal calibration steps. 1.008 DISP The following steps use both the General Purpose Knob 1.008 DISP and the TOGGLE button to make adjustments. The General 1.008 DISP Purpose Knob performs two functions: to adjust gain and 1.008 DISP centering. Pressing the toggle button selects the 1.008 DISP function of the General Purpose Knob. 1.008 DISP Use a combination of the TOGGLE and the General Purpose 1.008 DISP Knob to position the two dots eight divisions apart, 1.008 DISP centered horizontally. 1.009 DISP Select DONE when you have the appropriate display. 1.010 DISP Again, use a combination of the TOGGLE and the General 1.010 DISP Purpose Knob to position the two dots eight divisions 1.010 DISP apart. 1.011 DISP Select DONE when you have the appropriate display. 1.012 DISP One dot is now displayed. 1.012 DISP Use a combination of the TOGGLE button and the General 1.012 DISP Purpose Knob to horizontally center the single dot at 1.012 DISP the center of the screen. 1.013 DISP Continue to press the TOGGLE button and adjusting the 1.013 DISP dot to center screen with the General purpose Knob 1.013 DISP until the dot stays horizontally centered while pressing 1.013 DISP the TOGGLE button. 1.014 DISP Select done when you have the appropriate display. 1.015 DISP Two vertical lines are now displayed. 1.016 DISP Use the General Purpose Knob and the toggle button to 1.016 DISP position the two lines eight divisions apart, centered 1.016 DISP horizontally. 1.017 DISP Select DONE when you have the appropriate display. 1.018 EVAL Does the display show a passed status? 2.001 DISP Select done to exit the routine. The display should say 2.001 DISP Calibration Finished. 2.002 HEAD {Temperature Compensation Calibrations (Vertical)} 2.003 DISP This routine adjusts the Vertical Signal Path. 2.004 DISP Press the AUTOSET button. 2.005 DISP Press the UTILITY button and select CAL from the 2.005 DISP main menu. Select the Vertical Signal Path from the 2.005 DISP sub menu, initiating the routine. 2.006 DISP Remove any input signals from the Oscilloscope. 2.006 DISP Select DONE. The Vertical Signal Path Routine takes 2.006 DISP less than two minutes to complete. 2.007 EVAL Does the screen indicate a Pass condition? 3.001 DISP Press DONE to exit the routine. The display should 3.001 DISP indicate a Calibration finished message. 3.002 DISP Press the CLEAR MENU button. This completes the 3.002 DISP Temperature Compensation Calibrations. 3.003 EVAL {Dummy evaluation to change step number} 4.001 HEAD {VERTICAL SYSTEM CHECKS CHANNEL 1} 4.002 MEM2 =Channel 1 4.003 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Oscilloscope Vertical Checks Sub 4.004 EVAL Do you wish to check Channel 2? 5.001 HEAD {VERTICAL SYSTEM CHECKS CHANNEL 2} 5.002 MEM2 =Channel 2 5.003 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Oscilloscope Vertical Checks Sub 5.004 EVAL Do you wish to check Channel 3? 6.001 HEAD {VERTICAL SYSTEM CHECKS CHANNEL 3} 6.002 MEM2 =Channel 3 6.003 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Oscilloscope Vertical Checks Sub 6.004 EVAL Do you wish to check Channel 4? 7.001 HEAD {VERTICAL SYSTEM CHECKS CHANNEL 4} 7.002 MEM2 =Channel 4 7.003 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Oscilloscope Vertical Checks Sub 7.004 HEAD {Check Trigger Level Accuracy} 7.005 MEM2 =Channel 1 7.006 DISP Display channel 1, turning all others off. 7.007 DISP Press the AUTOSET button 7.008 DISP Set the sec/div scale to 500[230]s 7.009 DISP Press the TRIGGER MENU button and make the following 7.009 DISP selections: 7.009 DISP CPLG to DC 7.009 DISP SLOPE to RISING 7.010 DISP Press the VERTICAL MENU and make the following 7.010 DISP selections: 7.010 DISP CPLG to DC 7.010 DISP BW to 20MHz 7.011 DISP Set the volts/div scale to 50mV 7.012 DISP Position the trace 3 divisions below the center 7.012 DISP horizontal graticule line. 7.013 DISP Connect the CG5011 to the CH 1 input 7.014 5011 200mVP -D S 7.015 DISP Press the SET LEVEL TO 50% button 7.016 MEMI Enter the value from the Trigger Level Accuracy readout. 7.017 MEME 7.018 MEMC mV 31U 8.001 DISP Press the TRIGGER MENU and set SLOPE to FALLING. 8.002 5011 200mVP -D S 8.003 DISP Press the SET LEVEL TO 50% button 8.004 MEMI Enter the value from the Trigger Level Accuracy readout. 8.005 MEME 8.006 MEMC mV 31U 9.001 DISP Press the MAIN/DELAY SELECT button displaying the 9.001 DISP delay trigger menu. 9.002 DISP Press the TRIGGER MENU button and set 9.002 DISP MODE to RUNS AFTER and SRC to CH1 9.003 5011 200mVP -D S 9.004 DISP Press the SET LEVEL to 50% button. 9.005 MEMI Enter the value fron the Trigger Level Accuracy readout. 9.006 MEME 9.007 MEMC mV 31U 10.001 DISP Press the MAIN/DELAY SELECT button, then the TRIGGER 10.001 DISP MENU button and set SLOPE to RISING. 10.002 DISP Press the HORIZONTAL MENU button and 10.002 DISP set DELAY to OFF 10.003 HEAD {Check X-Axis Gain} 10.004 DISP Display Channel 1, turning all others off. 10.005 5011 50mVP 1kH -D S 10.006 DISP Press the AUTOSET button 10.007 DISP Set the volts/div scale to 10mV. 10.008 DISP Center the display using the vertical POSITION control. 10.009 DISP Press the HORIZONTAL MENU button and set XY to ON. 10.010 5011 10 50mVP 2U 1kH -D 11.001 DISP Set XY to OFF 11.002 DISP This completes the Vertical System Checks. 11.003 EVAL Do you want to do the Time Base & Time Accuracy test? 12.001 HEAD {HORIZONTAL SYSTEM CHECKS} 12.002 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Time Base & Time Cursor Accuracy Sub 12.003 EVAL Do you want to do the Dual Delay Accuracy Test? 13.001 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Check Dual Delay Accuracy Sub 13.002 EVAL Do you want to do the Trigger Sensitivity Test? 14.001 CALL TEKTRONIX TAS 475 Check Trigger Sensitivity Sub 14.002 DISP V E R I F I C A T I O N C O M P L E T E ! 14.003 END